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In 2022, we signed a contract to operate the new airport at The Red Sea Development Project in Saudi Arabia.
Our story at The Red Sea began in 2020 when Red Sea Global appointed daa International to manage the Red Sea International Airport (RSI) and provide airfield and terminal operations, aviation services, facilities management and commercial activities, as well as corporate and financial services.
The Red Sea Project is a major development over 28,000 square kilometres on Saudi Arabia’s west coast to create a new luxury tourism destination. The first phase of the project, including the new international airport, is due to be completed by the end of 2024.
Since 2020, daa International has been involved in managing the operations of the airport during three separate stages. Stage one involved ensuring that all airport designs benefit the customer. Stage two covered planning a full and seamless operational model for the airport when it opens to the public. The third and final stage manages and operates this plan, maintaining the highest standards in customer experience and sustainability, while prioritising safety and security.
The Red Sea International Airport (RSI) welcomed its first passengers in September 2023 through the air taxi terminal and continues to do so. This is being used by travellers to access the first tranche of hotels now open at the destination using a combination of air taxis, and domestic, international and general aviation. The Red Sea International Airport (RSI) is set to serve one million guests annually by 2030 through its main terminal building, with a peak capacity of 900 arriving and departing passengers per hour. This number of passengers has been limited not by the scale of the airport, but by the commitment to mitigating the environmental impact of international travel to the destination.